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Indonesian artist Suriyani features mixed media works that incorporate a full range to create "paintings on paper" of emotion to.


 Augustin Baron uses printing techniques such as intaglio and aquatint to bring alive themes and images from his native Mexico.


Frank Mayor creates colorful monoprints using non-traditional printing techniques such as collagraphs and image transfers.



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  What is a monoprint?  
"Oil paintings"
  All three of the artists featured this month work in a medium called the monoprint.

As its name implies, a monoprint is a one-of-a-kind painting on paper - i.e. there are no two alike.

Traditionally, many prints are done in editions, with numbers on the bottom of the work indicating the sequence of the print and the size of the edition, such as 52/200.

Monoprints are not done in editions, and are indicated as such by the initial M/P.


Andrea Wittenberg commingles figurative form with a disparity of marks, materials, and textures to create oil paintings of intense, vibrant colors.


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